

探索意义的主要主题, 正义, 并获得了国外博彩app的人文学科学位. 根据不同的职业机会定制你的计划.



在利玛窦研究所, the 文学学士 with a major in humanities invites students to learn from local, national and global voices to explore major themes of meaning, 正义与身份.

我们的人文专业也培养道德意识, artistic and creative sensibility and effective communication skills.

Students can customize their time in their undergraduate course of study to fit their future. 

人文专业很容易提供实习机会, 出国留学和其他体验式学习.

Our Matteo Ricci Core courses count directly toward your humanities major and provide you with an excellent foundation in academic, 职业和生活 技能. These skills include critical thinking, peacebuilding, analysis, global awareness and reflection.

人文学科的学生加入了欢迎活动, 多元的学者群体在我们这里活跃起来, 研讨式的人文课程. 

在利玛窦研究所, we have a cohort model that helps students form lasting bonds with each other. Due to our small class sizes, professors are able to engage with students on a deeper level.

We also help develop more compassionate people who work for 正义 in our shared world.

The coursework and experiences develop students who are aware of their own cultural assumptions, effectively express themselves and are involved in meaningful work.

目的是, 最重要的是, to foster a life worth living through a deeper sense of oneself and connection with our global community.


如何从这个学位中学习 利玛窦研究所 对你的职业目标有帮助吗. Then, explore course requirements and see how impactful a 国外博彩app degree can be.

Choosing a major in humanities is a profound intellectual commitment. 这个广阔的领域研究文学, 哲学, 历史, 还有艺术, cultivating critical thinking and a comprehensive understanding of human experiences. 人文专业提供了广泛的, 跨学科的基础, encouraging analytical skills and a nuanced perspective on the cultural tapestry of humanity, enriching your education and preparing you for diverse career paths.

The 文学学士 with a major in humanities degree offers an opportunity for a course of study that constitutes both a core and a major. 像这样, students in Matteo Ricci programs do not have to complete 国外博彩app’s Core Curriculum.

The coursework invites students to learn from local, national, and global voices. 它探讨了意义、正义和身份的主要主题. 它还能培养道德意识, artistic and creative sensibility and effective communication skills.



Pursuing a minor in humanities offers a rich tapestry of intellectual exploration. 你钻研文学的深奥领域, 哲学, 历史, 还有艺术, 培养对人类经历的整体理解. This interdisciplinary journey encourages critical thinking, emphasizing the interconnectedness of ideas across cultures and time periods. A humanities minor enhances your analytical and communication skills, 培养对不同观点的深刻理解. It complements various majors, providing a broader intellectual foundation. 让自己沉浸在人文学科中, you not only enrich your own worldview but also develop a nuanced understanding of the human condition, contributing to a well-rounded and culturally aware education.

在完成本科核心课程后, 利玛窦研究所 students are able to demonstrate the ability to:

  • Practice humanistic inquiry in matters of structural in正义 and perennial human concern.
  • Utilize reflection consistent with Jesuit Catholic traditions in decision making.
  • Explain the impacts that social factors such as power or privilege have on their life circumstances and on those of others.
  • 对比不同的和平与正义概念.
  • Articulate ideas clearly and persuasively in context-appropriate speech and writing.

Upon completing their degree, Humanities graduates are able to:

  • Form connections between disparate courses and subject areas.
  • Demonstrate the relevance of Humanities concepts to contemporary issues and lived experience.






艺术学院 & 科学 is committed to helping you through your lifetime journey of professional formation and discernment. We offer opportunities to deepen and broaden your understanding of your professional identity.



Our advising center is dedicated to your holistic academic and professional through academic advising and promotion of academic excellence. We work to solve problems, provide navigational guidance and build connections.



Our peer-reviewed online publication provides an opportunity for you to publish your research. Publication can help you prepare for advanced studies at top graduate programs or demonstrate knowledge and skills when applying for non-academic positions.

