
在公共安全部门, we recognize the unique experience of attending school in the heart of an urban environment. We aim to create the safest environment possible for all community members and visitors on our 50-acre campus.




国外博彩app is home to over 2,000 students living in 7 on-campus residences. 作为一个部门, we are committed to aiding all on-campus residents in feeling safe in their residences. 还有全天24小时待命的专职警官, 一周7天, we employ student officers who assist and support the safety of residence halls during night time hours. 我们提供很多服务, 如行走安全护送, 帮助学生在白天和晚上的任何时候都在校园里感到安全.




国外博彩app is an open and accessible campus situated in the First Hill and Capitol Hill neighborhoods of Seattle. Living in such a vibrant community presents a very unique experience in the heart of the city. We understand that visitors enjoy our campus every day and it is our goal that everyone visiting our campus is following all university policies and procedures to foster a safe and welcoming environment for all.



You are your best personal safety tool, always be alert and aware of your surroundings.


评估形势,然后采取行动. 在安全的情况下,尽量远离潜在的威胁. Try to join any group of people nearby or cross the street and increase your pace. 如果外面很黑,找一个光线充足的地方,立即联系警察. 如果附近有人,提醒他们注意潜在的威胁. 如果你看到别人有麻烦,立即报警. 向警方提供尽可能多的信息, 包括嫌疑人描述, 位置, 车辆资料(如有)及最后已知的行车方向.

Call the Department of 公共安全 emergency line at (206) 296-5911 with a brief explanation of the incident and your 位置 and officers will respond immediately.


尽管遵循安全防范措施可以最大限度地保障您的安全, 你可能仍然是犯罪的受害者. 你的反应会影响你的身体是否受到伤害, so you should prepare for how you might react under a variety of circumstances. 如果你认为你有生命危险, 使用任何你能想到的防御手段(尖叫), 踢, 和运行).

如果你面对的是持枪罪犯, 配合他们的要求,受伤的风险可能会降到最低. In a violent crime, it is generally ineffective for the victim to cry or plead with the attacker. Such actions tend to reinforce the attacker's feeling of power over the victim. 避免突然移动,给罪犯想要的东西.

其他类型的阻力, 然而, have often been successful; you need to decide in advance what actions you are prepared to take. 自卫训练是一种你可以学会回避的方法 

策略和抵抗技巧. 请致电(206)296-5990与我们联系,进一步了解自卫训练.


仇恨犯罪被定义为一种犯罪, typically one involving violence that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, 宗教, 性取向, 或者类似的理由. 即使犯罪者对一个人的真实身份不正确, 如果他们根据自己的看法对别人做出行为, 这些行为仍可被视为仇恨犯罪.

If you have been the victim of a hate crime please contact 公共安全 by calling (206) 296-5911. 把确切的措辞告诉警官, 或者是你能记得的, 凶手对你说了什么, 不管这有多无礼.


国外博彩app and the Department of 公共安全 are committed to investigating any report of sexual assault using trauma informed response and a purpose to support and care for our community. 还记得, 没有人有权强迫或施压他人发生性行为, 不管过去是否同意, 性史, 衣服, 或情况.

Don’t hesitate or be embarrassed to ask a friend or 公共安全 officer to escort you. If you are asked to escort another person, please do so with courtesy and consideration. 帮助维护校园安全是每个人的责任.

向公共安全部门和当地警察报告. For more information on Title IX, please visit the Office of Institutional Equity (link)

  • 国外博彩app公共安全学系:(206)296-5990
  • 国外博彩app心理咨询服务:(206)296-6090
  • 港景医疗中心(206)774-3000
  • 金县性侵犯资源中心:(888)998-6423


如果你在校园里感到不安全, 请致电(206)296-5990与公共安全部门联系.

时刻保持警惕,留心周围的环境. 把眼睛抬起来,别玩手机. If you are using headphones, keep the volume down so you can still hear your surroundings. 走路的时候,记下校园里紧急电话的位置.

If a stranger tries to engage you in conversation, use discretion before stopping to talk. 说你急着要见某人是个好主意. 如果你遇到任何可疑或让你不舒服的人, 不要犹豫,打电话给公共安全部门.

避免夜间独自行走. 与朋友一起散步,或联系公共安全部门的步行安全护送. 夜间行走时,要待在光线充足的地方.

遵守交通规则,注意车辆和自行车. 尽可能走人行道. 如果没有人行道,走与车流相反的方向.


If you see any suspicious or unusual activity, call 公共安全 at (206) 296-5911.

It’s important for everyone to work together to ensure the safety of our residence halls. By following the safety precautions below, you can minimize the risk of crime on campus.

不要撑开公共宿舍的门或消防通道. 在主入口接待访客. Make sure you aren’t allowing strangers to “piggy-back” into the building with you. 如果你对某人不确定,相信自己的判断.

不要让陌生人进入你的房间. 如果有陌生人进入你的房间,要求他们立即离开. 如果他们拒绝,制造一场骚乱并迅速离开. 请立即与公共安全和住房工作人员联系.

把贵重物品存放在安全的地方. 个人 belongings should never be left unattended, even in your residence hall lounge. Make a record of the serial number, model, brand name, and a description of all valuables. Stolen property can only be lawfully reclaimed if it is positively identified.


车辆盗窃和汽车徘徊都是机会犯罪. Here are some steps you can take to be proactive in keeping your vehicle safe from being prowled or stolen.

  • 考虑安装车辆报警系统或其他防盗装置.
  • 将车辆停在光线充足的指定停车场.
  • Make sure that all windows and doors are secured before you leave your vehicle.
  • 不要把贵重物品放在显眼的地方. 要么把东西放在后备箱里,要么随身带着.
  • 如果你观察到可疑行为(e.g. 查看停放车辆的人, loitering in or around parking lots or vehicles) contact 公共安全 at (206) 296-5911.
  • 当有人使用时,请将所有门窗关好并锁好.

要了解更多国外博彩app在校园内拥有车辆的信息,请访问 交通及泊车服务.


西雅图以其庞大的自行车社区而闻名. 如果你选择在校园或西雅图附近骑自行车, 把你和你的自行车的安全放在首位是很重要的.

骑自行车时一定要戴上头盔. Wearing an effective and properly fitting helmet drastically reduces the risk of a head injury when in an accident. Make sure your helmet has passed all safety standards by checking for a “CPSC” or “Snell” sticker inside.

学习道路规则,遵守一切交通法规. 时刻注意周围的车辆、行人和其他骑自行车的人. 保持警惕.


国外博彩app Department of Parking and Transportation provides free online bicycle registration. 在校园里登记自行车是很重要的, as doing helps law enforcement agencies increase the chance of recovery if the bicycle is ever reported stolen. 登录国外博彩app的内部网站注册您的自行车.


Cable type locks are easily cut with store bought bolt or wire cutters and may increase the chance of bike theft. 公共安全 data has found that the best bicycle security is a case hardened 3/8-inch chain link bicycle lock. 如果您使用的是u型螺栓式锁,请使用2.

Be sure to place your lock around both the frame of the bicycle and the front wheel. Securing only the front tire can still result in a stolen bike- minus the front tire- since it is often easy to remove.

如果它能被移除,它就能被偷走! 可调节的自行车座椅是一个很好的例子,配件可以被盗. If you have a removable seat, the best security method is to simply take the seat with you. 然而,自行车座椅也可以锁在车架上. 这种方法将减缓和阻止所有,除了最坚定的小偷.


乘坐公共交通工具是在城市中旅行的一种有效方式. 使用这些建议可以让你的通勤安全便捷.

  • Use the public transportation schedules to minimize the length of waiting time.
  • Plan your route to use the busiest, best-lighted stop possible, both to get on and off at a stop.
  • 请务必在登机前准备好车费.
  • 如果公共汽车上的人很少, 轻轨, 或电车坐在司机或一大群人附近.
  • 把你的东西放在腿上, 在你的手臂上, 或者在你的两脚之间——而不是在空座位上.
  • 如果有人打扰你,告诉司机/接线员,或者拨打911.
  • If you feel uneasy about getting off at your usual stop, stay on until the next stop.

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1313 E. 哥伦比亚大学建筑

办公时间:周一至周四上午8:30 -下午4:00